Saturday, November 5, 2011

Can you guess what this is...?

Come on, think about it...

Maybe...Any other guesses?

This my friends is a pumpkin!  For the past few weeks I have been wanting to decorate for fall.  I thought it would be great to be able to carve a pumpkin.  I began to ask around to find out where I could get a pumpkin.  I was quickly informed that pumpkins in Haiti are a little DIFFERENT than pumpkins in the U.S.  They are green or white and well, not so round.

According to the definition of different is: not identical, separate or distinct.  It does not take much to realize there are quite a few things about life in Haiti that are different than life in the U.S.  To name a few; the language is DIFFERENT, the music is DIFFERENT, the holiday's are DIFFERENT, the food is DIFFERENT, the grocery stores are DIFFERENT, the transportation is DIFFERENT, the weather is DIFFERENT.

I am constantly reminded of the incredible CREATIVITY of my Lord and Savior while living in a country that is so different from what I have always known.  Although many aspects on the Haitian pumpkin look very different the inside is the SAME as other pumpkins.

SAME: being one or identical though having different names, aspects, etc.

You know, it's funny how simple things like an odd shape of a pumpkin can be used for moments of teaching.  1 Samuel 16:7, "But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him.  For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." Oh how quick I am to get hung up on the external, the outer appearance.

I was strangely perplexed by the shape and color of this pumpkin.  Oddly enough, I really enjoy the appearance of pumpkins in Haiti.  I am so thankful that as children of God we have many different appearances but are the SAME: one or identical IN CHRIST!

Spend some time thanking God for the differences around you today.


  1. I really thought it might be a watermelon! Haha How wonderful that you get to "decorate for fall" and be reminded of God's creativity and the beauty of his creation at the same time. Love ya! Michelle (aka nut bug and Barlow Sister)

  2. Thank you for reminding me that it's the inside that matters. All too often I don't move past the outside to even take a peek at the inside. Interestingly enough, God reminded me yesterday that the heart is what matters! A heart for Him"

  3. My guess would have been watermelon. I am thankful GOD KNOWS what we are on INSIDE even though others may try to guess by looking at the outside.

    Karen in Texas

  4. hello baby girl...did u get this


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