Thursday, November 10, 2011

Twazyem Jou (Third Day)

Today I am thankful for the gift of Girlfriends!  There is just something special about being able to share secrets, laugh over crazy things, and simply be yourself with your close girlfriends.  I love seeing the friendships in Haiti.  Although the culture is different, the love is still the same.  I'm so thankful for the encouragement, accountability, and laughter that comes from my girlfriends!
Note: This picture was taken from a crazy scavenger hunt for a Boyce College ladies night.  Yes, I do know my shorts are on inside out :)


  1. Today God reminded me that, "From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another." (John 1:16) My workday ended with the blessing of hearing teenagers sing their hearts out for Him. I am so thankful for the job God has given me and my husband that allows me to work there! It is amazing to be able to share His love with those that need it as part of my job.

  2. Praying with a youth to receive Christ, phone dates, the things we do for love... , getting things ready for the college girl to come home, seniors at water aerobics, cards that make me smile and even laugh out loud, the red berries on the dogwood trees, visiting with another Mimi-to-be, AND KNOWING YOU FEEL BETTER

  3. Thankful for friendship. Tonight Monica, Lindsay, & I picked up our race packets for this weekend & ate dinner while discussing fun stuff as well as matters of the Lord. I'm thankful for friendship-especially yours! (sorry I stole ur thought-ha!)

  4. I hope somewhere in the cyper-world my post have been received by anyone that needed to know how much I love you and Trey and how I find myself constantly praying for you both. Because now for the first time my comments are coming to you. (your dad is commputer/social media illierate).Of corse it's by design never seen how it could help mulch leaves or control leaves. November 17th is right around the corner and I'll share the story of how difficult it was to see my little yellow baby in a box in the hospital. The flood of emotions come back the same way when you hear any of children don't feel well, you just want to put it on yourself, I'm so glad your stomach virus is better. will write again soon, this work thing is in the way right now. Ilove you.


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