Monday, November 28, 2011

I'm Hooked!

I have a confession to make.  I have officially fallen hook, line, and sinker for the children of Haiti.  One of my main tasks in Haiti is to take pictures and write stories for Baptist Haiti Mission.  This means I get to travel quite a bit throughout Haiti which means meeting new children!  Yesterday we traveled to a church for their "Bon Fet".  Every year the churches celebrate the birthday of the church.  Pastor Baker (Field Director of BHM) was asked to attend this particular churches Bon Fet.  He asked us if we would like to come with him and of course we accepted.  We left the mission at 5:30 on Sunday morning to make a 3 hour car ride to support the Pastor and his church for their birthday!

To say that we were noticed by the church and the children especially would be an understatement.  The church is currently in the process of receiving a new building so the service was held outside sitting underneath several tarps tied to surrounding trees.  There were a variety of groups who traveled from different churches to sing, a competition in the offering between the men and women, and pastors from surrounding churches who traveled in support of this church.  The service began at 10 a.m. and ended at 1:30!

We were given seats behind the pulpit.  We sat among the other pastors who had come to show their support.  My chair was on the end with several empty ones beside me.  I noticed half way through the service one little girl had her eye on the chair sitting beside me.  She finally snuck over and sat down next to me.  It wasn't long after that several of the other children came over and sat in the other chairs around or they simply stood.  I slowly began to feel pokes on my skin as they would dare one another to touch me.  Tiny fingers began to play with the back of my hair.  Then the chatter began.

As I said we were sitting right behind where the pastor was preaching so we were in clear vision of all the people.  I kept whispering to the children and telling them not to talk.  Of course they would giggle, be quite for a minute, and then the chatter would resume.  Trey informed me later that I look too sweet and even though I told them to be quiet and sit still they were not scared of me.  At one point they were all shooed away by one of the other pastors sitting in the area.  They left...for a few minutes, and then one by one returned when the pastor was not looking.

I hate to say it but I was so ready for the service to end in eager expectation of getting to talk and play with the kids!  Trey and I had so much fun getting to chat with the groups of kids.  They were amazed when they found out we were married.  One little boy spoke up from the crowd and told us to kiss.  When we did all the kids cheered and laughed.
We definitely had a great Sunday.  I am so thankful for the precious smiles and spunky personalities in the children of Haiti!

1 comment:

  1. This is kind of cool! You are doing the work I did when I was in Haiti last year for 6 weeks and last summer! :) Great to hear that these things are still going on and that someone with a writing talent like yours is doing that! (I came across your blog when I was reading the blog of the Bakers and discovered that you are missionaries on the mission too now! Awesome!)
    You're doing a great job and your blog is great to read! Thanks for the stories!
    In Christ, Ytje


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