Smiling and nodding, charades all day long, and a 1 week game of Haitian Creol "Mad Gab"
These are just a few phrases I would use to describe last week as we began to learn Creol.
I am pleased to say that when we left Ketley's house on Friday evening we were leaps and bounds beyond where we began on Monday morning. We stayed with a precious family and had a lot of fun getting to know them. We would sit out on the back porch all day and talk and and study. The first picture is me with Ketley, our teacher and two of her girls. The second shows Trey with little Julie, she could be quite the distraction but we loved every minute of it!
Throughout the week as we spent ALL day studying and speaking we thought A LOT about words. As we studied the language the Lord also reminded us about the power of his Word and reminded us of some lessons along the way.
1. It is HIGHLY unlikely that you will hear a word said once in Creol and completly understand the word, how to use it, and never forget it. You must take the time to think about the word, meditate on the word, practice using the word in sentences, repeat the word several times even when you think you do not need to.
Practical Application: We cannot simply hear someone tell us the Word of God and think that we understand. We are called to take the time to read the Word. We must meditate on the Word. Search for practical application and allow the Holy Spirit to cause us to live a life obedient to the word. May we ALWAYS make time to be in the word, ESPECIALLY when we think we do not need to.
2. As soon as you begin to think that you are understanding Creol, a new concept is introduced and you realize you are not even close to completely understanding the language.
Practical Application: There are certain times in my relationship with the Lord that I begin to feel as though I have "mastered" certain teachings. It is in those moments that I am gently reminded how FAR I am from perfection and how much I have to learn. (This is not a hopeless realization but rather a time of thankfulness. God has brought me so far in life and I know he is not finished yet.)
3. Learning Creol is sooo much better when you learn from someone who is further along than you are in the language. It is also great to have a friend in the same spot as you to encourage each other along the journey.
Practical Application: God did not intend for us to live our lives alone. He is constantly placing people in our lives to encourage us and point us towards Him. There is nothing quite like a close friend who is seeking and pursuing the Lord with all his heart by your side. When one of you is struggling the other remains strong and helps to keep you on track. Accountability :)
Tomorrow morning we will be leaving for 2 weeks to stay with a Haitian Pastor and his family to continue to learn. Please please please pray for us during this time. Pray that the Lord will give us the strength to hear and comprehend all that we are learning. We are currently living in a very cool part of Haiti because of how high we are in the mountains. For the next 2 weeks the living conditions will be quite different to say the least. Pray for comfort and quickly adapting to the heat and living in a COMPLETELY different lifestyle.
We will not have internet where we will be but as soon as we return we'll be back with more updates and I'm sure PLENTY of stories.
I am so excited to read your blog and hear all about your first few weeks in Haiti! .. Keep em' coming!!!!