Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Food for Thought

True confession, I have an obsession.  I absolutely LOVE dark chocolate.  I heard once it was good for me.  When my mom and dad came to visit they brought me 2 big bags of dove dark chocolate pieces.  I have enjoyed eating them as well as reading their secret messages inside the wrapper.

A few days ago I began to think about what it would be like if I actually followed the advice that was being given to me from the great and all knowing wrappers.  Here's a glimpse of what would happen.

DISCOVER YOURSELF, this is the first direct council I was given from the wrapperHow does one do this self discovery you may ask?  Don't worry open another chocolate goody, there is more advice to come...

KEEP THE PROMISES YOU MAKE TO YOURSELF.  If you don't think you have made any promises to yourself, have another piece of chocolate and you will discover you are to BE THE FIRST TO HIT THE DANCE FLOOR.

LOSE YOURSELF IN A MOMENT, in the midst of those great dance moves don't be afraid to let yourself go.  After all it is so important to LIVE YOUR DREAMS.  Don't forget YOU ARE EXACTLY WHERE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE.  TAKE A DEEP BREATH AND EXHALE, keep reminding yourself, SMILING IS FREE.

We live in a world today where opinions, advice, and guidance flows from every corner.  Even our chocolate is providing direction for us!  I am so glad that in the midst of voices and council flowing from all around I know and am in a deep relationship with the WONDERFUL COUNSELOR, Isaiah 9:6.  It is in His Word alone I am to seek and find the advice and guidance for my life.  Enjoy this life, embrace each moment, live it to the hilt, but do it walking in the ways of the WONDERFUL COUNSELOR.

Psalm 25:4  "Make me to know your ways, O LORD; teach me your paths."

P.S. You can stop wondering how many days it took me to eat the chocolate that was inside all of these wrappers.  After all, I had a blog post I needed information for :)


  1. I guess I know what needs to be added to the box I'm sending on Friday...

  2. You come by your love of chocolate naturally. It's in your family genes ( the Ballou side ). Love your blog ! Mommaw Peggy

  3. I love this but I wonder where all this great advice was when we DID hit the dance floor last summer! Hahahaha! I was definitely not the first to hit the dance floor but I did promise myself I would try my best ;)


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