Tuesday, October 11, 2011

It's Time for School!

White knuckles, clenched toes, bobble heads, these are just three phrases I would use to describe our Friday morning drive through the mountains.  School is officially in session in Haiti which means it is time for the first of several Baptist Haiti Mission food deliveries.

As the new missionaries here with BHM we are eager to see what the food deliveries were all about.  The workers at the mission were gracious enough to allow us to accompany them on this "fly off your seat" 2 hour ride.  We loaded up on the Blue Canter with sacks of rice, beans, oil, and a variety of other items to deliver to 2 different schools.

Baptist Haiti Mission partners with two organizations in Port-Au-Prince to provide food for 18 schools in the mountain regions around Fermathe.  The schools are given food every 6 weeks.  Our drive to Bolosse on Friday was the first of many deliveries for the year.

Upon arrival we definitely attracted quite the audience.  The students were thrilled to see the food arrive.  They smiled and waved and talked to one another in excited voices.

A few of the workers from Baptist Haiti Mission as well as leaders from Bolosse worked quickly to unload all the sacks of food.  The schoolroom that the food was placed in began to fill up fast.

This particular delivery was not just for the school of Bolosse.  The food will be divided with a school in Hudicourt.  Unfortunately we are unable to drive to Hudicourt since there are no roads to access that community.  Some of the adults and students of Hudicourt will make a 7 hour walk to Bolosse to pick up their delivery.

We were thankful for the opportunity to travel and see one of the schools that BHM supports.  The steep drops, sharp turns, and unpredictable road conditions made us thankful we traveled on an empty stomach.  While traveling on an empty stomach is preferred, learning on an empty stomach is not.  We are pleased to know the students will not be learning on an empty stomach.  It is a blessing to see the Lords provision for all of these students.  It is through His care that they are given the opportunity to grow fully in their knowledge and understanding of Him as well as learn several other subjects.

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading this and am sooooo thankful that you are here in Haiti with us.


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