Monday, July 11, 2011

Operation Move to Haiti!

It is official preparation for our move to Haiti is in full swing!  Our precious friend Susanne White has been a blessing to us and has equipped us with the medical knowledge we need for Haiti.  She even brought some of the shots to us out at camp!  Above: we are chilling on the golf cart, where we were given our shots :)

Our current plan is to move to Haiti in the middle of September.  I wanted to share a list of some things you could pray for.

*Pray for a smooth time of transition as we move out of our apartment and close out life in Louisville.  
*Pray for clarity in what to pack and what to leave.
*Pray for precious time with our families.  Over the next several weeks we will be in a lot of different places.  We hope to have good quality time with our families though it may be shorter than we had originally thought.
*Pray that we would be consumed with excitement over this move as we enter into a completely different season.  We desire for our hearts to be broken over the people of Haiti and to be filled with an eagerness to get there and get there soon!

I have sent out snail mail to several members of our family and friends about the specific work we will be doing in Haiti and how you can be involved.  If you would like information about this PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE e-mail me your address,, and we will send you information!

1 comment:

  1. It's a pleasure to receive you in our country, We'll pray for you and for your mission in Haiti.

    God bless!


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