Monday, June 6, 2011

Accepting the Call to a Cautiously Carefree Lifestyle

After a great amount of prayer and lots of talking with one another Trey and I would like to announce...WE ARE MOVING TO HAITI!

Our trip to Haiti before the summer started could not have gone better.  On the plane rides back to the states we had a great amount of time to talk.  Can I just say that I LOVE doing life with my best friend?!  We openly shared fears and concerns, excitement and dreams, and even made a pros and cons list :)

Trey shared with me that he really thought moving to Haiti is what God had in store for us.  I love it when he shares his heart and speaks about his desire to lead me and to follow the Lord.  It is truly a blessing to be with him.  When Trey and I were dating and he first told me he loved me I did not say it back.  I waited...

I wanted to know with confidence that I was not going to say "I love you too," simply because he had said it first.  Of course I knew I loved him...but it just took time to say.  That's a big step!

The same is true with our decision to move to Haiti.  I knew the decision to move to Haiti was the direction the Lord was leading us.  However every time I would almost tell Trey that I agree and think that we should move to Haiti I would feel this HUGE lump in my throat.  Over the course of several days I sought the Lord and the courage to willingly and eagerly lay down the decision of moving to Haiti.

My time in the Word and morning devotions the week after returning from Haiti ALL discussed trust and willingly following the Lord.  I KNOW this was not by accident.

In his book "My Utmost for His Highest," Oswald Chambers speaks on Matthew 6:25.  He said, "Our Lord pointed out that from His standpoint it is ABSOLUTELY UNREASONABLE for us to be anxious, worrying about how we will live.  Jesus did not say that the person who takes no thought for anything in his life is blessed--no, that person is a fool.  But Jesus DID teach that His disciple must make his relationship with God the dominating focus of his life, and to be CAUTIOUSLY CAREFREE about everything else in comparison to this."

The above is one of MANY lessons and truths that the Lord brought to my attention as I worried and wrestled with the opportunity to move to Haiti.  I want to TRUST in the Lord with all of my heart and not lean on my own understandings, knowing that HE is the one who will make my paths straight!

This morning I have just begun a devotional by Jennifer Rothschild, "Walking By Faith: Lessons Learned in the Dark."  The focus of today was on Hebrews 11, those in Scripture we see who walked by faith.  Jennifer challenged me to read further about these people of faith to learn from them.  She said that Noah teaches us to go against common sense when we sense God in an uncommon way.

I am learning that I often put way too much focus on my thoughts and opinions and the opinions of others.  The opinions of others and myself are common sense, at least this is what I often believe.  However, God calls us to be willing to do what may be uncommon or carefree.  It is my desire that Trey and I will ALWAYS be willing to follow the ways of the Lord and live in a CAUTIOUSLY CAREFREE way TRUSTING fully in Him.

This picture was taken after some heavy conversations about moving to Haiti on the plane ride back to the states.  I am so thankful for the true JOY that comes from serving our Lord and the blessing it is to be called Sons and Daughters of God!

Living a cautiously carefree lifestyle may cause us to look a little different.  It may be difficult at times as we push to walk in the ways of the LORD and not the ways of the world.  I pray that you too would daily choose to live cautiously carefree and walk in the way that the Lord is leading you.  May we all look crazy when the world looks our direction and sees the uncommon way we walk.

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