I love the beginning of a new year. I even enjoy the beginning of a new day, as long as it does not begin too early. Due to our relaxed routine in the U.S. I decided to wait until we returned to Haiti to begin 2013. Hear me out, we celebrated the new year and began to write the year 2013 on checks, but I chose not to begin my 2013 "resolutions" until returning home. In preparation for the year change I have read a variety of blogs and articles which centered around the topic of new years resolutions.
I am at the top of the list when it comes to setting large goals...and 3 weeks later realizing I am in the same position, and sometimes worse off than when I began. There is a famous quote that says, "Shoot for the moon, even if you miss it you will land among the stars." I have loved this quote and always found it quite inspiring...until I stumbled across a blog about a week ago on The Gospel Coalition Blog.
The particular article I was reading was, How Not to Read Your Bible in 2013
One of the primary points of the author was to not overextend your hopes and your reading plan, be practical. He said, "If you shoot for and miss the 'moon' of six chapters a day, you won't
quietly land among the 'stars' of three. You'll just be lost in space."
I could not help but laugh out loud when I read this particular portion of the article. Not only have I found myself "lost in space" when it comes to Bible reading plans, but I have been lost in space in exercise plans, house cleaning plans, loving my husband plans, being a good daughter and sister plans, and the list continues.
While I hope to bring my "moon shooting" days to a close, this post is not to say that I am bidding farewell to goal setting and seeking to live a disciplined lifestyle. Throughout Scripture we are told we should not be idle with our time (Proverbs 31:27). Each day we are given is full of new mercies from our Lord (Lametations 3:22-23). We see it is wise to plan our days, but allow the Lord to direct our steps (Proverbs 16:9).
Having goals and pushing towards them is wise and quite profitable. If you aim at nothing you will hit it every time (Zig Ziglar). My resolution for this 2013 year is to set goals, and aim to achieve them. If and when I may fail at reaching my desired target, I will not receive a smack on the hand in reproof. My identity in Christ will not be shaken. My current short comings will only be a reminder that He is God and I am not. I am His child and can put my head on my pillow each and every night knowing I am loved and fully known by my Father.
Psalm 46:10- Be still (cease striving) and know that I am God.
Not "shooting" but "aiming" for 2013:
*Memorize two verses of Scripture each month.
Check out Beth Moore's Scripture challenge if this is something that may interest you.
*Blog at least once a week.
No judging allowed if you see me miss a week :)
*Exercise at least 4 days a week.
*Say NO to Facebook until dishes are washed and quiet time has happened.
*Be intentional in seeking new and unique ways to express my love and respect to my husband.
*Fall more in love with my Savior at the end of 2013 than I was at the beginning.
What about you? What are you aiming for this year?